History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization


History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization

   What is Search Engine Optimization ?

Search engine optimization is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. It refers to improvement of unpaid results and excludes direct traffic and the purchase of paid placement. 

   History of Search Engine Optimization

We all know the importance of the day September 11. It is the day that  a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States, So many people lost their life. At that time they were not able to publish in Google. A certain crisis occur by the time. 

Google saw an opportunity to do something that other search engines weren’t. It began working on algorithm updates that would reward quality, relevant content to connect users with what they really want to find.

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engines in the 1990’s

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization

YAHOO: (Founded in 1994): Yahoo (acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle) made it a point of differentiation to use humans to catalog the “World Wide Web”. It was a major directory and had categories that users could browse through and read up latest news .
History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization
Excite (Launched in 1995): Excite was created by Stanford students and were pioneers of sorts, attempting to bring relevant listings to the users’ search queries by crawling web.

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization
Altavista (Launched in 1995): Altavista was one of the most popular search engines of the 90’s. What separated itself from the competition was its advanced hardware and capabilities to crawl a greater number of websites.

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization

Goggle (Founded in 1998): Founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the duo developed “Page Rank”, an algorithm used to determine the quantity and quality of links to a page. Google would go on to revolutionize the way search engines function. 

 Evolution Of Search Engine Optimization

From time to time it happens,
1.Content based page ranking
( keywords determine the reach of page)
2.Link specific page ranking
(Link determines the reach of page)
3.quality  link specific page ranking


    Crawling basically means following a path.

In Search Engine Optimization crawling means following your links and Crawling around your website. When others come to your website (any page), they follow other linked pages also on your website.


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