On Page Optimization Techniques


On Page Optimization

on page optimization

It refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. Examples of this include measures to optimize the content or improve the meta description and title tags.

    Web Masters

 webmaster is a person responsible for maintaining one or more websites

◇   Snippet

The results shows on google while we search for Anything (the search result)

Shows url, descriptions, title.

◇  Title need to have the the Following Properties

It need to be unique,  attractive and meaningful sentences
No spelling mistakes 
No grammatical mistakes,no full caps
Pixel   width : 512
Title need to be more than 2 words

 ◇   Meta descriptions 

For a page -Meta descriptions can be 160 

•For blogs - 155

•Pixel width -1024

◇  Importance of H1 tag 

  • It is the highlight of the page 

  • Use only once (for identity)

◇  SandBox

• Temporary data base to save confusing DATA •

◇ Importance of H2

  • The second important visible data in a page

   •Use twice (for identity)

◇ Off Page Optimization

      After the on page optimization to increase the ranking we share the links  in social websites(or bookmarking ,posting everywhere)it is known as off page optimization .(outside the website)

on page optimization

  Anchor Text Optimization 

     • To go to a site (Eg, GOOGLE )

     • <a href="http://www.google.com">Google Home</a>

(Don't give referral code of others)

Passing the juice

Link juice
   Link juice is used in SEO world to refer to the value or equity passed from one page or site to another. This value is passed through hyperlinks. 

•(rel="nofollow" ) - it will not  lose the page ranking 
•While we link a new website on our page we will lose the page ranking.so the needed things are to give (rel="nofollow")
For refences give link but use (rel="nofollow") to keep the ranking

Image optimization 

          on page optimization

Here the  forcing  keyword is title. Alternative (alt) name determines image identity and it should be added in this page.
[Alt determines  the hyperlink  and don't give keyword in alternate]
Eg,<img src=”chocolate-1.jpg” alt=”dark chocolate coffee flavored bar”/>

Add Images to Your Sitemap
Whether you are adding your images to your sitemap or creating a new sitemap for images, you want images somewhere in your sitemaps.

Having your images in a sitemap greatly increases the chances of search engines crawling and indexing your images. Thus, results in more site traffic.


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